Do I have a Diagnosis?

Four Years

One hospitalization in a foreign country

Two misdiagnoses of MS

Countless hours on the phone and filling out forms to fight insurance

At least forty doctors

Close to a thousand vials of blood

Insurance claims hundreds of pages long

Four spinal taps, two deemed obsolete

Hundreds of hours at the doctor

The guilt of thinking I have done so much wrong

Lots of acupuncture

Rejecting a handful of medications I was not comfortable with


Several arguments with practitioners

Tens and tens of thousands of dollars

Too many late nights reading about what it could be

Twenty-some MRI’s

Hundreds of eye tests

A dozen trips to the Mayo

Three major allergic reactions one resulting in a visit from a paramedic

Lots of fights with mom

Over twelve months of prednisone fucking hell. Prednisone is hell for me.

A handful of ended friendships when I wasn’t myself due to trauma and prednisone

Countless tears

Realizing my support system

Seeing the void of those who were supposed to be there, but were not

Far too many IV’s

A book about a blow-up doll I hoped would save me

The most intense feelings of loneliness and isolation

A few lost clients

Two crap boyfriends and one piece of shit

Lots of gratitude

A shaman

Lots of healers

Four San Pedro ceremonies

Many feelings that I was failing

Everybody’s fucking opinion

Strict food protocols

The weight of constant disappointment

Leaving my industry to run back to it

Shedding my home over and over so I feel like I fit somewhere

Thousands of walks

Lots of days asking why

Hundreds of Epsom baths where I tried to drown my pain

Endless days of waking up wondering if I will be able to fix this before I go blind

Needed therapy sessions

The support of dozens of friends

All the fight I didn’t think I’d find

The greatest moments of joy

More weight than I could bear

My body defying me

My body evolving

The loss of vision in my right eye

An exhale of relief that I won’t lose who I am

A feeling of complete exhaustion

A doctor thinks there is a diagnosis and now I am wondering if it is true because it took me so long to get there.


The Road is Long No Matter Which Way You Look.


Let’s Talk About the F@#^$*& Business of Health!