Gina Hessburg is a Producer, Art Buyer and now, a self-published Book Author and Painter. She is passionate about patient advocacy and raising awareness for Optic Neuritis. Gina and Rafael work to help others with their patient journey.
Meet the Team
Gina Hessburg
After launching and self-publishing while in a fight for her site against an undiagnosable disease, Gina realized hustling a coffee table book wasn’t her goal at all. She wants to use whatever she can to help other patients.
Jana Sackmeister
After circling around each other in the Mpls music scene, Gina and Jana became friends. The kind of friend that always has your back and gets behind your unruly blow-up doll. Jana jumped in with her mad creative problem-solving skills and her big-picture thinking to keep Rafael afloat.
Rafael appeared in 2017 after Gina’s first Optic Neuritis attacks to bring in levity, mainly scaring people at cabins. He is now a source of inspiration and is here to fight for other patients on their journeys.
In March 2020, the world began the COVID-19 shutdown, and on March 15th, I went into a self-induced 3 week quarantine after I had been traveling internationally. As I was cleaning out every drawer in my apartment, I found a non sexual novelty blow-up doll I had previously used to scare people during cabin trips and had named Rafael. I pulled him out of my dresser, filled him with air, and he again came to life as I began to post on social media our ups and downs together in a pandemic. Daily, his personality inflated as he, and his ill fitting speedo, got attention.
A hero companion emerged for me as well as much needed levity for others. Rafael’s social media notoriety didn’t blow up, but what was apparent was that people were engaging, specifically my colleagues from the advertising community. Daily I received messages asking about Rafael. Suddenly, Rafael became the partner I always dreamed of.

Rafael is a blow-up doll. And Gina is his human. #covidcompanions
Here’s some excerpts of their time together…
“Rafael read a quote today about how the world had stopped for us to get our shit together and if this situation is making us feel uncomfortable, it is time to ask why.
Rafael asked if I was feeling challenged. I told him that I had the means to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, dozens of friends who check in and lots of reasons to be grateful as well as nine pairs of leggings. I told him I am very comfortable. He asked me, “Gina, why do I feel so uncomfortable?” I reminded him that he wears a Speedo that is sized for a 12-month-old. He hung his head in frustration. I reminded him that sometimes we don’t see things clearly because we are just too close to them. Tomorrow maybe we can talk about how his Speedo makes other people uncomfortable as well.”
“I have never seen Rafael look so pensive, I asked what was troubling him. ‘I heard someone call me a sex toy.
That is ridiculous and insensitive. I am a POOL toy and now that beaches and pools are closed for the summer, I am a pool toy without a purpose.’ I tied a rope to Rafael’s Speedo and tossed him into the Mississippi. He feels better knowing his purpose, even if it’s just to fully enjoy life.”
“Rafael wanted to have a serious talk. He wanted to know if he was my boyfriend.
‘No way,’ I told him. He asked if it had something to do with his body shape. I told him even if I woke up and he had transformed himself into Ryan Gosling; I’d remain single. ’Why?’ he cried. I explained, ‘In the last few weeks single women who live alone abruptly moved to the top of the food chain. I want to hang out here for a while.’ He asked if he should be dating air compressors.”
As I am the sole breadwinner in our household, I don’t often allow Rafael to give any input to our finances.
Today he brought up the stimulus checks. As much as he wants a new Speedo, he told me that money needs to be spent on other freelancers to keep the industry going that has allowed us such a great life. I begrudgingly told him he was right as his perma-grin was burned into my head. Daily, I am impressed with how he is evolving into a new man in a time of great change.”